List of top Mahatma Gandhi Quotes to improve your life. Here we are going to share famous thoughts on Peace, Change, Best Education, Love & Leadership.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a lawyer, He lead a successful campaign for Indias Independence. He was born in Gujarat.
Read the Best Mahatma Gandhiji Quotes in Hindi & English and If you apply any thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi in your life I am sure you start winning.
Mahatma Gandhi Quotes
1. Be the Change Quotes
Be the Change That you want to see in the world – खुद वो बदलाव बनिए जो दुनिया में आप देखना चाहते हैं ।
2. Do Not Lose Faith in humanity Quote by Mahatma Gandhi
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean did not become dirty.
आप मानवता में विश्वास मत खोइए. मानवता सागर की तरह है; अगर सागर की कुछ बूँदें गन्दी हैं, तो सागर गन्दा नहीं हो जाता
3. Without Action Quotes in English
4. Work and Discipline thought in Hindi
काम की अधिकता नहीं, अनियमितता आदमी को मार देती है
5. Mahatama Gandhiji Quotes on Poverty in Hindi
6. Importance of People in Life Quote in Hindi
7. Quotes on Cowardice & Died Fighting in Hindi
8. Thoughts on Positive Thinking in Hindi
9. Thoughts on Positive Ideas
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